
Runoilija ages

Käyttäjän <span class="sydan sydan-punainen"><svg width="10"height="10"viewBox="0 0 1000 1000"xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="M497,203C537,107,630,40,737,40C881,40,985,164,998,311C998,311,1005,347,990,413C969,503,919,583,852,643L497,960L148,643C81,583,31,503,10,413C-5,347,2,311,2,311C15,164,119,40,263,40C370,40,457,107,497,203z"/></svg></span> ages kuva
Liittynyt: 5.6.2004
Viimeksi paikalla: 30.1.2025 17:04

Asuinpaikka: Salla

a mind is like a parachute.
it doesn`t work, if it´s not open.


eeeh, where am I ?
what is this?


my name is mud, pthyi


I stand in front of the memory lane
flashes in the corners of my eye
i refill what once was corroded by stain
and i know its a lie and that it will never die..

But i still wake up every morning and breathe
i still open my eyes to see the painful world
every day i try to compensate my needs beneath
but horribly i fail, take a tumble of unsure..

And here i am in front of the future to loop
flashes through my visions of life
i rethink what once was the absolute truth
and i know its a lie that wronged the left to right..

But i still wake up every morning with smile
ive dodged all the bullets, avoided the rope
every day i try to remember my past for awhile
for there is no future, if the past holds no hope...




Herkkä, hyvä runo.



Käyttäjän kaikki runot

Runoilija Runon nimi LuontipäiväLajittele nousevasti Kommentteja Kategoria
ages Liikennevaloissa 22.6.2004 0 Runo
ages Rakkaudestansakohankaan? 22.6.2004 0 Runo
ages Layne 22.6.2004 0 Runo
ages Uneton (taas) 22.6.2004 1 Runo
ages Demanding changes 22.6.2004 0 Runo
ages Huhu 21.6.2004 0 Runo
ages Yön värit 21.6.2004 0 Runo
ages Siperia #4 21.6.2004 0 Runo
ages Feeniksikö? 21.6.2004 0 Runo
ages Mr Universe 21.6.2004 0 Runo
ages Texas Hold ´Em 21.6.2004 1 Runo
ages SPIN ME!!! 21.6.2004 0 Runo
ages Miksi..? 20.6.2004 1 Runo
ages Highlander Revisited 20.6.2004 0 Runo
ages Rahahuolia... 20.6.2004 1 Runo
ages Kuumaa 20.6.2004 0 Runo
ages Genocide 20.6.2004 0 Runo
ages Genocide #2 20.6.2004 0 Runo
ages A Wish 20.6.2004 0 Runo
ages Siperia nro 2 14.6.2004 0 Runo
ages Morrison 14.6.2004 0 Runo
ages Kameleontti? 14.6.2004 1 Runo
ages Siperia # 3 14.6.2004 0 Runo
ages Lips... 14.6.2004 0 Runo
ages Sunset Superman 14.6.2004 0 Runo
ages Siperia nro 1 13.6.2004 0 Runo
ages William Richard Johnson 13.6.2004 0 Runo
ages Kuolleena syntynyt ajatus 13.6.2004 0 Runo
ages Roundabout... 13.6.2004 0 Runo
ages Hajuton 13.6.2004 1 Runo
ages Sudet (taas) 12.6.2004 0 Runo
ages Loppu 12.6.2004 0 Runo
ages Puhetta tarvittaessa (hiljaisuus) 12.6.2004 0 Runo
ages Totuuden siemen... 12.6.2004 0 Runo
ages I Still Can! 12.6.2004 0 Runo
ages huono päivä 11.6.2004 1 Runo
ages Sanattomat 11.6.2004 1 Runo
ages Miksi aina aloitan sanomalehden lopusta? 11.6.2004 0 Runo
ages Timeless thought.. 11.6.2004 1 Runo
ages Sudet 11.6.2004 0 Runo
ages Ikuisuus.. 11.6.2004 0 Runo
ages Alcoholic Alphabets 11.6.2004 0 Runo
ages My numbers up... 8.6.2004 0 Runo
ages Tuuli (tuulituuli) 6.6.2004 0 Runo
ages The beginning 6.6.2004 2 Runo
ages Sulavaa... 6.6.2004 1 Runo
ages Sade 6.6.2004 1 Runo
ages Toissapäivänä iloitsin... 5.6.2004 2 Runo
