
Runoilija Runon nimi Kommentteja LuontipäiväLajittele nousevasti
Doomed Carpe diem 8 16.7.2010
Josef O Café 12 2.7.2010
SitruunaMansikka Can't I be who I am? 0 10.6.2010
Fjodor Cruciate 0 3.6.2010
evelique Clowns of life 0 24.5.2010
Minskukka Cello o`solo 0 19.5.2010
Minskukka Cera 0 19.5.2010
Minskukka Console 0 19.5.2010
vertigo cul de sac, tätä tietä 0 8.5.2010
Adastra compliqué taux d'intérêt 0 19.4.2010
vertigo cul de sac, tätä tietä 0 10.4.2010
Elsie Chanson 0 10.4.2010
Ammeeria Cord 0 8.4.2010
DogFullOfAcid Complexity 1 4.4.2010
Adastra can you say nothing without words? 0 30.3.2010
Hrafn Cardio Cryonics 0 25.3.2010
miima crossroad 0 7.3.2010
Luciferisti Catsu 0 23.2.2010
Luciferisti Catsu 0 19.2.2010
poet Cries of Guilt 2 8.2.2010
6a1e75cb9fc14aab681be93d1f043711 C for she 0 8.2.2010
olasmi Clock on the wall 2 7.2.2010
jää-herne Cultural differences 1 6.2.2010
Salida Coffee Brake 2 29.1.2010
Zwitter Curse... 1 16.1.2010
Cicilia cicilian ensimmäinen 3 12.1.2010
Aniano CandyKing 0 6.1.2010
PessiIllusia charlie i think about you 1 23.12.2009
Nikander Cat The Cat 0 21.11.2009
StoryOfTheYear Crying (part 2) 0 29.10.2009
StoryOfTheYear Crying 0 28.10.2009
Adastra casino-kansan terveydelle 0 6.10.2009
03c623eb5a90c126ec7aa097a0c829cc Cirque 0 24.9.2009
Rinoke Can't take this 0 23.9.2009
LillaLaura Clearing The Air 0 18.9.2009
Rinoke Can't be like this 0 15.9.2009
Loyal to Dreams c21h23no5 - Opi aatteit. 0 14.9.2009
MissNobody Child of the stars 2 13.9.2009
Chiyo C'est la vie 2 29.8.2009
Sarino-90 Come back and hold me 0 23.8.2009
verikoralli Cassie 1 20.8.2009
Kipeä rotta cover 0 22.7.2009
ElzuuK Call it love 0 24.5.2009
LolliRock Caught you 2 3.5.2009
Spiced Close to you. 0 18.4.2009
mikko9o Cuius religio, eius regio 0 6.4.2009
koralli cold embrace 2 11.3.2009
*moonflower Confused 0 1.3.2009
Varjomieli Choises 2 17.2.2009
Minskukka Caramia 7 7.2.2009