Release The Beast

Runoilija SkitsofrEnkeli

Liittynyt: 9.9.2024
Viimeksi paikalla: 18.9.2024 5:01

Asuinpaikka: Uusi-Värtsilä

I can only fight, go off of my mind, can´t stand you by my side
I may not be allright, can´t even sleep when it´s night
But tonight moonlightning strikes harder than before
This is my timeline not a crime so beware i´m not kind
I stand tall i may be small but i can handle the ball
Catch a fish i don´t wanna kiss, it´s not you who i miss
Better watch your every step, every breath might be a thread
Tomorrow is coming sooner than you think you won´t sink you´re not dead!


So live your life before it ends,remember your kids and your parents
Sisters and Brothers hear my voice, cuz you don´t have any other choice
Weakness is illness so fill it and kill it, better be strong than dead you can see it
Take a nap and take your lounch, do what you want do your own stunts.

Hey stuntman go away, you cannot act this is my game
I´m a woman not only a name so go home and leave me alone
Phone is ringing who´s there? Won´t speak more but i´m here
No one is talking so i shut it down, turning and walking rounds and thinking loud
Hearing whispers but not outloud. What the fuck this all is, soon i´m getting risks gettin´pissed
Where is my scissors i won´t cut my hear, but someone else is having my scissorhands in it´s bed
Go ahead rip my back i´m begging please release the beast

So live your life before it ends remember your kids and your parents
Sisters and brothers hear my voice cuz you don´t have any other choice
Weakness is illness so fill it and kill it, better be strong than dead you can see it
Take your dinner and be a killer, you´re a champion not a beginner

Beast is released, it´s not a disease, sailing back and forward at all 7 seas
I´m not bad not even batwoman but my left is black when the thread is coming
Jumping around like a little bunny that isn´t dummy i think it´s funny
I have all the energy in me, magnetism and synergy
I´m not a liar i only fly high, when i´m sober i will be allright
So run run as fast as you can, i´m not a gingerbread i´m a woman
That is all i have and all i need, so be yourself and you´ll succeed


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