Just because it looked so damn pretty that day

Runoilija Kameliontti

Liittynyt: 8.9.2003
Viimeksi paikalla: 17.9.2024 9:28

Asuinpaikka: -

Toivoton romantikko sanan laajimmassa merkityksessä.

Woke up in the crack of noon
had and itch and couldn't reach to scratch it
Was waiting for my girl to come by
hadn't seen her in a turn of moon

I went to shave of my stubble
and brush my teeth clean
Was feelin' good
didn't want nothing to burst this bubble

Of course I cut myself with the razor
and all the toothpaste was gone
suddenly, wasn't feelin' that hot
the bubble erupted like a geyser

So, I went to the station
waited for the train to come
of course it was late
Damn, can't I get no satisfaction!

Went to buy some coffee
the line was three blocks long
when I finally got my drink
saw I was late for Sofie

Ran and got me swettin' some
didn't smell that fresh
Then I saw her looking at me
She said "Your late, my dumb dumb"

"Been a helluva day
let's get home and relax"
We jumped in the car
and drove home by the bay

Just because it looked so damn pretty that day

Vähän leikin ajatuksella. Ei tässä mitään vakavaa haeta. Koitin yhen vanhan novellini muokata enemmän runomuotoon.

Käyttäjän kaikki runot

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Kameliontti Keskusteluja I 5.4.2007 1 Runo
Kameliontti Tao 25.3.2007 4 Runo
Kameliontti Kuva sydämessä 18.3.2007 4 Runo
