"...People can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."
I think, therefore I am
You think different, therefore you no longer are
He who thinks is he who kills
He who thinks twice, kills twice
He - lost in thought, calculation of chances
Price of the priceless, She – smiling, on she dances
To combine rational thought with irrational love
Is to breed a black hawk with a white dove
Stability - fallen in reason, pray to be caught
Instability - standing in love, prey you can catch
A friend loves you because of what you are
A true friend loves you despite the things you are
Our attitude our fate, to mis or to understand
So shall we either fall or so shall we stand
To understand what is “to understand”
Is to understand what is “to love”
To grasp at mere sense is to cling to loose straws
A step towards perfection: acknowledgement of flaws
Life among the sane; the death of white, the dove
Life among the insane; revival of the black, our love
Live, live we must - to live, breed we must
Black and white, combine to conquer
Return back to light, to live we must
Bring black to light, bring life to dust
- Kirjaudu tai rekisteröidy kommentoidaksesi
Tämä runo on erittäin mielenkiintoinen! Lainattu alku H. Göringiltä, on kova ja sattuu sekä herättää paljon ajatuksia. Nyt kun olen kommentoimassa runoa, en näe kuka alun sitaatin kirjoittaja on, joten mielestäni sen pitäisi näkyä runossa, selitystekstissä se nyt on, ja sieltä sen noudin; todella outo paikka keskeiselle pointille!!
Mielestäni nyt runon ensimmäinen menee tämän takia piloille eli siis" I think, therefore I am, You think different, therefore you no longer are". Ajattelin (aika turhaa, tiedän ;) että ajattelit Göringiä tai hänen kaltaisiaan menneitä), mutta hänen/heidän ajattelunsa on preesensissä, vaikka ovat menneet..
Miten jaksankin olla aina näin idiootti... :)