Pass of Trains

Runoilija Antracon

Liittynyt: 16.4.2004
Viimeksi paikalla: 19.2.2025 14:57

Asuinpaikka: -

Minä en ole mitään ilman rakkautta
Did you forget the time?
Your silence like a crime
but I'm prisoner in a cage
Wondering the passing trains
Faceless strangers to change
my shady point of view
I struggled barely through
but which way you go?

Did you see what I see
or did you silently flee
when the moment was perfect?
Do we have anything left
if there's no skin to affect?
I wrote a cynical rhyme
to tell I'm scarcely fine
Swallowed by your emptiness

Lifetime to assemble scars
Behind the cold steel bars
I fight against the affliction
You have your new dreams
I'm homesick for dying affection
I lost you in the mist
like this love never existed
Past days passed like trains
Mennyt marras.

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