
Runoilija Fire child

Liittynyt: 24.2.2007

Asuinpaikka: -

Paljon on sanottavaa mutta sen kertominen on välillä hankalaa.

Little bird flies from tree to tree
Thinking where insects are, I want to eat
But there’s a big bad owl
And it wants fresh meat

Birds sing so beautifully
Ground smells good and sun shining warm
But can’t you see it when you’re hiding inside
Don’t hide anymore
Come out!

You’d like to be like that little bird
Fly free and go where ever you want
Show for the whole world that you can live
Fly free, fly free
You have opened gates

Owl is hungry
And our little bird is in panic
It wants to go hide
But the owl is close
Its simplest give up

You’d like to be like that little bird
Fly free and go where ever you want
Show for the whole world that you can live
Fly free, fly free
You have opened gates

The bird is sitting in the old tree
Singing song for the whole world
That it don’t give up and the owl didn’t catch it

You need to be like this bird
Be brave and never lost you hope
The world could be like that owl
But this time you don’t stay
Fly free away

Pahoittelut virheistä.


Tämä on aivan... UPEA! Rakastuin tähän,
aivan mahtava <3


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