Floating in the center of the ocean

Runoilija Lady Andromeda

Käyttäjän <span class="sydan sydan-punainen sydan-raamit"><svg width="10"height="10"viewBox="0 0 1000 1000"xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="M998,312C984,152,870,35,728,35C633,35,546,86,497,168C449,85,366,35,272,35C130,35,16,152,2,312C1,319-4,357,10,418C31,506,79,585,149,649L497,965L851,649C921,585,969,506,990,418C1004,357,999,319,998,312zM952,409C933,489,890,562,826,620L497,913L174,620C110,562,67,489,48,409C34,351,40,319,40,318V317C52,176,150,74,272,74C362,74,442,129,479,218L497,260L515,218C552,130,635,74,728,74C850,74,948,176,960,318C960,319,966,351,952,409z"/></svg></span> Lady Andromeda kuva
Liittynyt: 10.4.2005
Viimeksi paikalla: 6.2.2025 22:08

Asuinpaikka: -

Kyyninen romantikko ja naiivi nihilisti. Autistinen hullu, erakko, misantrooppi & (yhteisön normeista) vapaa ajattelija. Dekadentti taivaanrannan maalari. 🦄 INFP persoonallisuus, joskin aika nyrjähtänyt sellainen 😂

Kirjoitan kaikenlaisia tekstejä ja runoja, sekalaista autofiktiota, puhdasta fantasiaa ja muuta, pidän tyylien yhdistämisestä. Haaveissa lapsuudesta asti ollut kirjojen kirjoittaminen, joka tuskin realisoituu kuin omaksi iloksi (yhden kokonaisen "pöytälaatikko" teoksen olen jo toteuttanut). 

Pahoittelen saamattomuuttani vastata kommentteihin, luen ne kyllä aina ja olen niistä kiitollinen!

David Bowie - Blackstar 🖤⭐🕯️🦄

In the villa of Ormen, in the villa of Ormen
Stands a solitary candle, ah ah, ah ah
In the centre of it all, in the centre of it all
Your eyes

On the day of execution, on the day of execution
Only women kneel and smile, ah ah, ah ah
At the center of it all, at the center of it all
Your eyes
Your eyes
Ah ah ah
Ah ah ah

In the villa of Ormen, in the villa of Ormen
Stands a solitary candle, ah-ah, ah-ah
At the center of it all, at the center of it all
Your eyes
Your eyes
Ah ah ah

Something happened on the day he died
Spirit rose a metre then stepped aside
Somebody else took his place, and bravely cried
(I'm a blackstar, I'm a blackstar)

How many times does an angel fall?
How many people lie instead of talking tall?
He trod on sacred ground, he cried loud into the crowd
(I'm a blackstar, I'm a blackstar, I'm not a gangster)

I can't answer why (I'm a blackstar)
Just go with me (I'm not a filmstar)
I'ma take you home (I'm a blackstar)
Take your passport and shoes (I'm not a popstar)
And your sedatives, boo (I'm a blackstar)
You're a flash in the pan (I'm not a marvel star)
I'm the great I Am (I'm a blackstar)

I'm a blackstar, way up, oh honey, I've got game
I see right, so wide, so open-hearted it's pain
I want eagles in my daydreams, diamonds in my eyes
(I'm a blackstar, I'm a blackstar)
All my life I've longed for 

I didn't know what but on voyage I was

Neverending, often mislead quest made of the flow of consciousness 

Inside, there was waves and eruptions, the echoes seen outside always only the top of the mountain 

The mountain too tall to climb and the road too heavy
Every step you took just another form of sweet, sweet pain - The lover you learned to worship like your image watching back from the stillness of shifting forms and shadows 

There never was others really,
they were just playing side or support roles

or the villains haunting you, all and everywhere,
the eyes watching you, seeing your mortal coil but not real you, your soul aching to burst 

through your existence
And you were the Queen uncrowned 
and without a glorious kingdom to rule over 
- Just barren wastelands and smoking ashes of your grave, the time's passing a burden heavy like an event horizon you couldn't escape

You just never learn certain things

and that's the truth - always a painfull one, but it should be also freeing
You never were about those things seen valuable by most, and you always knew it 
The world made sure you did, and your own nature

The ocean too wide and the waves too frequent 
You just wanted to drown, but was forced to learn to swim.. but you weren't a creature of the sea and you could just float in the center of the silence of the ocean

And you just wanted to find a home but never believed
it could happen
to you

And the burden just grew as the years passed,
the weight of the life lived with worlds inside no one was able to see 
- and you even didn't want to try, weary of it all, your crosses weighing like lead on your back

And the wall invisible between you and all the rest, even those closest to you were like from a different species entirely.. and still often are 

And it felt like years took away all that was left from your childhood innocence 

- but your wonder, they couldn't reach
And you still sang with your own language no one else could decipher, veiled in darkness and impossible quests maybe, but nonetheless 

Your fire, the masses of the ocean couldn't suffocate 
And you floated in silence of the universe, in the center of the sea of eternity 
And above you all the stars of the Milky Way shining their light in perfect structure and order 
- from your perspective, anyway 

You loved to drown into the gravity of that silent vastness, the harmony of order 
The familiarity of sweet, sweet nothing
- and the intensity of the contrasts, those massive emotions buried behind the fortress unpenetrable
you drank them like a maniac in thirst when they were touching the surface of the ocean 

The control you always lacked, following you to every single nightmare tormenting your rest 

There was no balance, you always realized,
but - frankly - you didn't much care 
And when you did, you didn't know how to change things and still it's hard to grasp why.. still, you often don't even want to

Love can coexist with pain and complexity 

You found what you were looking for
- your home
Your love..
Love like gravity of a star, more than you ever dreamed of

He was the one to show you so many things
- his world a marvel and a riddle eternal, the purpose seen in the movement of planets and their gravity holding everything together
He wanted to know how everything worked 
- and you wanted to know why, but really the mystery of it all made things more fascinating 

There was also darkness matching your own,
but manifesting very differently - but not in all things and those things were hauntingly familiar

And those long nights of endless talks, how you came to the same problems from totally different angles but often still met in the same place
And there was beautiful, so beautiful 
The differences and similarities alike

You just didn't realize all those things which you should have appreciated or understood 
But no one is perfect and you certainly aren't..

But you are still here, not unscathed but still here and breathing
Sometimes you just wish to be able to just breath, not think and feel anymore 
It's like you have all your life constantly tried to swim... but in the end you can just float
And you are so tired to carry on, it's like a compulsion you just can't overcome

But the thing is
..He swims for you
And you float for him..


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