You got lost in to he's eyes, didn't you? yea. I know.
Poor little girl in the hands of a player, liar, cheater.
He was just that type of guy and now you think why you were so stupid?
Somewhere deep inside you, you knew what he really was. You knew but you were blinded. You loved him too much and he didn't deserve it.
He lied and cheated and played. You were just one stupid game he liked to play and when he got bored he looked another girl. Stupid enough to trust him right?
And when he cheated you and left you.. you felt like your heart exploded in to a million little pieces. You thought no one is going to fix that heart. No one, ever.
This is how you thought? right?
And then comes this great guy with golden heart and he says everything right does everything right but you still stand there like don't believe him. He is going to cheat and play you like he did. But time goes by and he fights to earn your trust and maybe after some time you do trust him but there will always be that little doubt in your mind when he goes out with guys like what if....
And how i know all this. Because this is exactly what happened to me....
But the most important thing is. NEVER GIVE UP.
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