Troubled Souls

Runoilija ages

Käyttäjän <span class="sydan sydan-punainen"><svg width="10"height="10"viewBox="0 0 1000 1000"xmlns=""><path d="M497,203C537,107,630,40,737,40C881,40,985,164,998,311C998,311,1005,347,990,413C969,503,919,583,852,643L497,960L148,643C81,583,31,503,10,413C-5,347,2,311,2,311C15,164,119,40,263,40C370,40,457,107,497,203z"/></svg></span> ages kuva
Liittynyt: 5.6.2004
Viimeksi paikalla: 30.12.2024 14:16

Asuinpaikka: Salla

a mind is like a parachute.
it doesn`t work, if it´s not open.


eeeh, where am I ?
what is this?


my name is mud, pthyi

now reaping , what we once sew
its not beautiful, but thats not new
years ago, we had our time
a few moments, that felt so fine
but ended up a mess..

ten years have past away, since we last talked
and still we circle around, for what we sought
it was not me, nor was it you
troubled souls we were, old days and new
still more or less..

seems like were still that way, in love and hate
before we even started, i think it was too late
troubled souls we were, united with ourselves
we opened up the gate, for fresh and unknown hell..
to rip us apart

yesterday regrets, when i picked up the phone
and heard your Siren voice, chilling to my bones
you sang for me the latest, and i was stunned for your song
my love and hate, ten years, right there where they belong..
inside a splintering heart

troubled soul spins a very troubled mind
i search inside, for whats there to find
and found nothing, for less than a surprise

troubled souls spin more than a causious minds
i reach inside,to see what and where to grind
i crabbed nothing, but troubles left behind..



Surullinen runo...onneksi ei ole ketään jäänyt kymmeneksi vuodeksi mieleen kummittelemaan... mutta hienosti kirjoitettu, pidän.
Ei aina mene asiat niinkuin toivoisi.



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