Angel of Destruction

Runoilija ages

Käyttäjän <span class="sydan sydan-punainen"><svg width="10"height="10"viewBox="0 0 1000 1000"xmlns=""><path d="M497,203C537,107,630,40,737,40C881,40,985,164,998,311C998,311,1005,347,990,413C969,503,919,583,852,643L497,960L148,643C81,583,31,503,10,413C-5,347,2,311,2,311C15,164,119,40,263,40C370,40,457,107,497,203z"/></svg></span> ages kuva
Liittynyt: 5.6.2004
Viimeksi paikalla: 30.1.2025 17:04

Asuinpaikka: Salla

a mind is like a parachute.
it doesn`t work, if it´s not open.


eeeh, where am I ?
what is this?


my name is mud, pthyi

they called me Ares, once
and Mars and Thor, were my names, too

I choced oblivion

until now
when my dreams are awaken

I was abandoned here
at the wake of the humans
for what we did with my littlesister
we killed the Ruler of Hell

as a reflection to war
and the Death of our Brother
the Blue One, Danriel
will Your Wings rest in eternity, and Your Sword be sharp as Ever

let me explain
i´m one of The Four
The Black One
with black wings and The Black Sword..

beside me were
 The White One, Gabriel
The Blade of Light
 Wings of White

and the one we lost
 The Blue One, Danriel
The Blade of Twilight
 Wings of Blue

and me, yours truly
 The Black One, Azriel
The Blade of Midnight
 Wings of Black

and the lil Sister
 The Red One, Luzriel
The Blade of Morninglight
 Wings of Red, and always the Strongest

somehow we blew it..
and Danriel dies at the hands of Oblivion
the Ruler of Hell
and we got mad..

anything that followed
is not allowed to you, meatbags
but i tell you this :
Gabriel is prisoned in Heaven,

Luzriel is now the Ruler of Hell
and me, yours truly
am abandoned
in this dying piece of shit of a planet

and in case youre wondering
why its dying
take my name as a warning
Azriel, the angel of Destruction...



Tästä tulee mieleen mun muksut...pojan pelaamat pelit ja likan katsomat leffat ja kirjoittamat tarinat... jotain mitä ei oikeasti ole, mutta mielikuvitus on hyvä...
itse asiassa, kun saan nuo unet päätökseen, ajattelin kilauttaa joko spielbergille tai gilliamille..  ;)
:D ei ne taida loppua tarpeeksi ajoissa ;)



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