Every day I hope today is the day.
The day when I will find myself again.
Every day I hope today is the day.
The day when I could reach up my dreams.
Every day I hope today is the day.
The day when this loneliness could end.
The day when someone could come to dry my eyes.
Every day I hope today is the day.
The day when I could feel happy again.
When the rain could stop.
Tear drop by tear drop.
Dreaming every day away.
Still waiting.
Today is the day.
The day when all my dreams came true.
In Your life.
The day when someone came to dry Your eyes.
The day is today. For what I was so afraid of.
Today the rain overthrows my mind.
Today all my dreams came empty.
Tear drop by tear drop.
Dreaming my life away.
Still waiting the day to come.
Because there is no tomorrow.
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