Broken Swing

Runoilija Välitila

Liittynyt: 7.1.2008

Asuinpaikka: -

Our plans brake hearts

I read my diary while you sleep.
Am I still me, are you still you?
I read about a girl and a wannabe boy
Who fell in love way too soon.
My dad used to say
you’d never become a man
but we run away.
And in the evening your dad
Beat you up.
I stood on our yard hearing
Your scream.
Crying and swearing
That I would leave.

The time wasn’t on our side
Today we may have a chance
They turned our love into a crime
Just because your name’s Eva
Instead of Adam.
No one understood
All we hade was
An empty yard an a broken swing.
No one understood
We never regretted
First kiss behind that broken swing.

At night you threw rocks on my window
I feared my parents would woke up.
You stand there with your backpacks
We realized we were stuck on us.
So I told you to leave
And to get the hell out of there.
I made you a thief
‘cause you’d leave with my heart
it’s never fair.
You said you never wanted
A fairytale.
You said every wound
Will eventually heal.

There’s no warning for this situation
Every solution is so wrong
Judging so harsh those who know
What life is all about
There’s no lesson for this situation
Love doesn’t need those damn solutions.
Love doesn’t regret first kisses behind broken swings.


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