The Magic Markers

Runoilija nomad

Liittynyt: 26.8.2006
Viimeksi paikalla: 17.12.2021 19:06

Asuinpaikka: -

Sometimes the small world of ours is just way too large and ridiculously plural to know and learn all the necessary things, not to mention to experience even the tiniest part of all the stuff that you'd want to. Sometimes I really do have the feeling of wanting to live forever. And then I get some good physical excersise out there somewhere, eat a good meal and get some sleep. And the feeling passes for a moment. And, when I wake up, it's all dark again, in the brightest of morning sun. And I yet once again find myself asking, among the countless and endless questions to all of the unphatomable universe,  the only one that truly matters: "Why?"

Something and yesterday reminded me of this:

"Walking home
through all the streets unmoving
so quiet I could hear the timers of the traffic lights a block away:
the mechanism. Nobody else, just the silence
spreading out to where the long trucks groaned
on the highway their vast brute souls in want.

There must have been a true last time"

Stige asoke
Ja lyn tid jeg vet ha delt
Skulder dett be na more
The world is flat
And the screens
Are full of small people

All of the seconds seem to be
More important than ever:
We fuss about them

I hear rumours about a war
The same way I hear about my health:
It seems unreal. I die every night.

Like last night;
I woke up today.
And there is no love, that would do all this.

The infinity writes itself all over.

I just do not like the way it writes itself all over me.

The rooms change, the planes switch, the doors elude.

The tides decay.

And we drown.

The sigil we have been forced to emblazon upon ourselves..

It is tattood too deep somewhere.

Where, we, thus

Seek forever.


This one captivates.

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