Christmas today

Runoilija Noitceffa Sesuac Noitnetta

Liittynyt: 1.9.2012

Asuinpaikka: -

harmaitten siipien kahinuksia.

Staring into the eyes of these shadows
Hoping it would all go and..withdraw
But it’s the snow that makes them disappear
Screaming loud out of my faith
It was inebriated with white diversion
With reversed words it makes you pray
If the Christmas came here today…

Untied by a quiet voice
By which I am drawn into nightmares
Dare you, I WILL scorch with devotion
This is the only sacrifice of a martyr’s heart
They said it was sacred redemption
And it flows like a shallow breath of mine
As if it wouldn’t know it’s Christmas today

Sense of memories, vanishing in vain…
or is it the years that deluded them?
Continuing to nowhere, hoping that I
will someday remember its name…
Now I’m not sure if such divine ever existed
So it must be the desire inside
That makes it feel like Christmas today.

juttelin kerran joulusta toisen almost ateistin kanssa. siistii, koht on joulu ja saa olla taas oikeen luvan kanssa ihan yksiN!

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