Remember: even roses have sharp stings. You might bleed while holding it...
It’s strange to think that something so beautiful could hurt so much
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Remember: even roses have sharp stings. You might bleed while holding it...
It’s strange to think that something so beautiful could hurt so much
Runoilija | Runon nimi |
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Kommentteja | Kategoria |
Varda | Tuomion jälkeen | 11.4.2006 | 0 | Runo |
Varda | Jumalan poistuminen | 11.4.2006 | 0 | Runo |
Varda | Tuho | 22.12.2005 | 1 | Runo |
Varda | Vuosi nuoruudestani | 22.12.2005 | 0 | Runo |
Varda | Spell | 22.12.2005 | 0 | Runo |
Varda | Roses’ sting | 22.12.2005 | 0 | Runo |
Varda | Far away from happiness | 27.11.2005 | 1 | Runo |
Varda | Totuus | 27.11.2005 | 2 | Runo |
Varda | Sadetta | 21.10.2005 | 1 | Runo |
Varda | Ulkona on jo pimeä, eikä tänä yönä tule kuuta | 20.9.2005 | 1 | Runo |