morning breaks through

Runoilija aquarius

Liittynyt: 24.9.2012
Viimeksi paikalla: 6.3.2025 11:58

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niitä kommentoin ajanpuutteen vuoksi tosi harvoin
mutta - arvostan sitäkin enemmän.

Kuukauden runoilija kesäkuu 2017 ja  2024

Elokuussa -17 ilmestynyt
orvokkini, tummasilmä
sai jatkoa maaliskuussa -18
enkelini, kultasiipi
tähdet taskuissa
julkaistiin toukokuussa -19

Kaikkien kirjojen kustantaja on
Mediapinta Oy. Antakaa kirjastoonne vinkki niin tilaavat!

Muuten kirjat ovat myynnissä Prisman verkkokaupassa
ja kirjaverkkokaupoissa, Adlibriksellä jne. Ja joissain kirjastoissa
on jo.


early morning fresh and clear
the birds awake and so alert
coffee falling slowly down
to the glass pot so clean
giving out the aroma 

for all the senses half awake
the sixth one being already, so present

slow, slow awakening!
the fading moon says hello to the sun
with its bright flames
ready to give the needed warmth 

or to burn the wings of the ones of Ikaros' kinds

and me, just one little soul beneath the arch of the blue sky
awakened by both love and harshness of the human nature

finding out that one always can choose
the road to take, the river to row

based on a decision of  your heart
soul and your mind, never low
that every day will perform
a better version of yourself 
-- alas - you can choose, hallelujah --

this being one of the clues to
a happier life, to a richer content
not in money but in happiness
and in total harmony with yourself

thus, being ready for love and happiness
each single second of the existence
however long, however short the 
time you have, 
always take care that you aware are
in letting the necessary 
offered by the fate to slowly melt 
adding your substance, filling your 
consciousness with the joy of life

deeply in your soul in order to understand
your own highness, your own deepness

and everything in between

finally to become the unique human
you were meant to be
whether humble, proud or precious image
of the God Almighty or whoever
the Molder then may have been


Take someone who doesn’t keep score, who’s not looking to be richer, or afraid of losing, who has not the slightest interest even in his own personality: he’s free’. Rumi



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