Blind to see the truth

Runoilija 98d8dc08db207927cf1a92d53a3e3940

Liittynyt: 12.5.2008
Viimeksi paikalla: 5.8.2019 22:44

Asuinpaikka: -

"Only Sinner Can Be Forgiven But is it a Sin to Be Unforgiven" -Johnny Raven-

it’s my world which falls
my dreams you torn
abandoned from the light
all i wanted was to find my horizon

every effort i ever made
turned to dust
every choice i did
was another scar to me
fearing the failure
push me over the edge
regret and shame
rips my hopes away

was it wrong what i’ve done
is it you who bleeds from my guilt
im not deaf to what you say
im just blind to see everything
but what wont remain
blind to see the truth

all i see is another gun pointing towards me
apologize just whispers to their ears
when will i take the last step towards the end
how many times do i need to fall to see the horizon



täähä on hyvä kuka on vaa rikkonu su yritkses :) ?


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