one night i woke up
I saw your face straight in front of me
Then i recogniced it
The stranger feeling in my heart was finally clear
It means i love you
It means i fell for you
It means my heart is now someones else too
It's yours
You got my heart.I gave it to you
You got that smile.That i meant to you
You got the look.And you knew what it means
You got all of me
All i will share with you, with you
You got me i got you
One of a kind
One of all people I got you
You got me
One day of
I'll give my heart away...
To someone who will take it, keep it, take care of it
Who will love...
who will love me
You got my heart
I gave it to you
hmm...uskon että minullekkin on joku jokaiselle on joku maailmassa joku jota rakastaa koko sydämestä puhtaasti aidosti vahvasti...ehkä hänet löytää ehkä ei...
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