how're you today?
I would be better if I had you by my side.
you said that this is perfect, but I think you know
that you'd be better dead.
And I'm still here screaming:
"Please don't go, I want you here with me,
but you are too busy forgetting me."
I'm about to write a letter
for you so you would know why I've made you sad
you wondered, if there would be a place, an afterlife,
where you would meet your cat again.
But now I'm crying and screaming:
"Please don't go, I promise, It'll be okay.
We'll find you something so you would know the truth."
A sharp object,
breaks skin so easily,
just like you broke me.
It's all the same,
there's no place for me.
I'm here just to find myself alone.
you don't have to think,
if there's an afterlife
you're gonna find it out,
because you're coming with me!
I'll be beside you and saying:
"I'll be there, soon,
please take me close to you.
I want to feel my skin touching yours.
Please don't go."
- Kirjaudu tai rekisteröidy kommentoidaksesi