I can see you standing there
Come closer, please...
You can't hear my suddle cry
I can see you standing there
So close, yet so far
You're a great friend, you say
I know I am
For that I don't say anything
Just a forced smile
You wonder but stay as silent as I do
You wonder, don't have a clue
You sence something isn't right
Can't put your finger at it
You go home, still wondering
You wonder because you're a great friend
What's the matter, you ask the next day
Nothing, I say
You keep quizzing me
I give a lame excuse that you don't buy
Still you leave me alone
She doesn't want to tell me so I won't make her
That's how you are, a great friend
That's why I feel so bad for not telling
Not telling makes you think I don't trust you
But the other option is worse
Worse because that could brake what we have
That's why I wont tell you I love you
- Kirjaudu tai rekisteröidy kommentoidaksesi