Runoilija Deiga

Liittynyt: 21.3.2005

Asuinpaikka: -

Mitäs minusta kirjoitan, sanoja piirustellut paperille jo vuosia, aiheita on monia, vaiheita on monia...iloinen veikkonen olen, vaikka välillä vähän masentaakin...Elämä on elämisen arvoista, Carpe diem!

Definitions of Right and Wrong

Anticipiation of destruction is a worthwhile exposure
Sun, moon and stars only influencing the never-ending outcome of the galaxy
No freedom is aquired by pursuing only self, career, freedom
Sleeping over the sun, feeling of heat, equal to an goal, only goal
Freedom of thought, never invented in man's life, always following an irrational line
Entangeled in human relations, the way to go to follow,
Abhorrent thoughts follow if living without man or woman, no difference in race
Love is a - the defining factor to truth, freedom, self respect
No insight is without hidden facts, or fiction?
Forgetting the never-seen, concentration to the boxed in mind
Gain of unboxing self, everyone has a power, has a love of life
Only secrets in mind keep from fulfilling self, yourself
The curse of life, death, naught but figments of own horrid imagination
Trying to teach, truth, life, self, the wisdom is in the learner
Revelations are none of greater hardship, knowledge of all
Guidelines to an accomplished life, nothing to guide, everything to accomplish
Truth be told, all ways turn to right course, if found

pitkään kestäneen kirjottamattomuuden jälkeen uusi teos...mitäköhän meinaa..

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