I'm only human, and I've made mistakes
I've done a few things that I regret
I could fill myself with shame,
scream out my remorse to the world
But the only person I need to apologize to
is the girl in the mirror
I'm sorry that I've trapped you
in the longest night of your life
I just don't know how to open the blinds
and let the light in
It's hard to find the dawn
when the time stops moving
when the darkness settles in
I'm sorry I forgot to love you
the way you deserve to be loved
That I turned down your friendship
and scared away every chance at joy
I thought you'd be safer all alone,
no one able to break your heart,
never noticing I did it myself
I'm sorry that I burnt the bridges behind you
I was only scared you'd be tempted to jump
I'm sorry for the pain,
for ruining your life
For abandoning you
when you needed me the most
If you can forgive me,
I'd like to lift you up
and wipe the tears from your cheeks
I want to give you back the colours
I stole from your world
I'll unlock the doors I shut in your face
and I'll build the bridges anew
If you'll meet me halfway
and make us complete,
I'll give you the weapons to defeat your enemies
I'll restore the faith that I lost in you
and believe you can reach your dreams
I might not see you
shining brighter than the stars,
but maybe one day
I'll witness you reflecting their glow,
the stains I left on you removed from your skin
And maybe if you let me save you,
the burden from your shoulders might fall away
and the disease that's become a part of you
might slowly begin to heal
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