from deep inside the darkest mind
shes anxious to search,determined to find
what lies beneath, what could be..
and when shes through
Im left in a cave, frozen
for all eternity..
No sangreal for me..
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Into the cold womb of the mountain,
drops of clear water find their way.
Through the cracks of stone they keep crawling,
Into the cave where the cobwebs sway,
As they fall to the floor,they are whispering softly
"Wake up"
...ja sitten heräät ja huomaat että koira tuijottaa kahden sentin päästä, ja kuolaa, ja sillä on HÄTÄ. Eli noustava on.
merlin lifts his eyebrow
and smiles
still frozen from the heart
death from the inside
he now knows
waking up
is optional