New love
So fearsome when born
Burns through
Our minds
Wild it runs in our veins
Makes us run
Makes us jump
Higher than ever
Always after it
Clean, pretty faces
In front of us
Never will it touch the ground
Where we were born
Flies up in the skies
With our dreams
The clean, pretty face
Is not yours
Is the answer
New born flame
Too eager to burn
Corrodes through
Leaving you empty
A gentle blow of wind
An invisible kiss
The blue love of oceans
Burns deep in your soul
Hotter than red flame
Deeper than the bluest blue
Sweeter than golden honey
Wisdom of ages
The warming dawn
The flaming sun
The whispering dusk
The beauty of moon
Not older than
A new born butterfly
Not younger than
The core of land
To see the path
To gain the knowledge
Approving the truth
Realisation of yourself
You are a drop
In burning oceans
No control
Just a flow
True acceptance
True peace
True flow
True love
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