Exile from paradise

Runoilija tuutti2021

Liittynyt: 29.1.2021
Viimeksi paikalla: 8.9.2024 13:04

Asuinpaikka: Hämeenlinna


With a big black umbrella
he wanders trough the life
covering himself
and hiding from the light
-hiding from the light.

And he cannot see the sun
and there's nothing to be done
'cause he's covering himself
from the rain that's causing pain
-hiding from the pain.

Under that big black umbrella
there hangs a stormy cloud
sheltering himself
from all that might be nice
-from all that might be nice.

But he cannot see that cloud
is hanging just above
his head and can't get out
and I'd just want to shout:
-let all the grief come out!

And the black rain is soaking
all the colours of his life
drowning forgiveness
exiling from paradise
-exiling from paradise.
No matter how he runs
he cannot feel the sun
'cause he's crabbing so hard
to the very somber past
-to very somber past.

And he cannot see the sun 
and there's nothing to be done,
'cause he cannot see that cloud
is hanging just above.
And I just want to shout
and I just want to shout:
let all the grief come out!
Välähdyksenomainen "kuva", jonka sain eräästä ihmisestä. Myöhemmin siitä syntyikin laulu, yllätyksekseni englanniksi ja sitten piti opetella laulamaankin englanniksi - mitä en yleensä tee. Vaikutelma toisesta ihmisestä kertoo aina myös jotain vaikutelman saajasta...


Upeaa, että olet innostunut kirjoittamaan ja laulamaan, myös englanniksi.
: )



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