Your Death in My Soul

Runoilija Hetha

Liittynyt: 27.9.2007

Asuinpaikka: -

Sielussani asuu taiteilija, vaikka sitä ei ihan heti uskoisikaan...

You died that day
Why couldn't you say
That in some way
You didn't feel okay

They chose the ones to slay
Your soul flew away
The price in May
Was too high to pay

Heartful of regret
That’s what you bet
That night you fret
- In the end you didn’t get
Your first kiss
You never reached the bliss
Our tears entwined
Your dead ones and mine

My soul cries in pain
I can hardly stay sane
Your death made me
Everlastingly vain

Now I can’t feel
My heart made of steel
Before which they kneel
- It was never real

Under the sky of honey
Your ivory skin
Is painted crimson red
In my dreams

Muokkasin tätä, ja nyt se on mielestäni parempi. ^^

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