Would You Ever?

Runoilija SieluSäilä

Liittynyt: 24.6.2003
Viimeksi paikalla: 6.12.2019 20:14

Asuinpaikka: -

Lopun kaiken, mikään ei taida olla kaiken vaivan arvoista - edes yrittämättä jättäminen ..

How can it be?
That this hell inside me,

just took your face
and your smile?

Took your wings and
now flies all around me.

Took your voice to
whisper me all those

all those things I wish
nobody would say.

How can it be?
That I cannot
bear this thought

this thought of
breaking your heart.

When it breaks my
own heart, if I don't?

I wish to save you,
I really do.

To save you from

Would you do anything
for me, without hesitation?

Would you run like hell,
if that's what I asked?

Run like hell - away from me.

Never looking back - without
showing your tears?

Those tears that would
break me, once again?

Break me one time too many..

If I give you a chance
to break your heart

knowing it will happen.
Whose fault is it?

Would you ever forgive me,
If I would love you only
as much as I can.

Not as much as you need?

Would you ever forgive me,
if I would love you just
a little bit less..

Than I love him?

Than I love my life?

I'm all fucked up - but not ready to be fucked..

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