Little Miss Sunshine

Runoilija piikkipensas

Liittynyt: 11.10.2002

Asuinpaikka: -

“Did it ever cross your mind that I might not care what you like and don’t like?”

Little Miss Sunshine is dead
Didn't you hear all about it,
Who shot Little Miss Sunshine in the head

All the letters she sent I've read
Make sure all the candles are lit
For Little Miss Sunshine is dead

I lie awake in my bed
Did you feel it hit?
Who shot Little Miss Sunshine in the head?

Her tarantula is no longer being fed
And I don't feel guilty, well, maybe a little bit
Little Miss Sunshine is dead

Isn't it sad how she never had the chance to wed?
Had no one to share her quite ordinary wit
Who shot Little Miss Sunshine in the head?

Down the corridor I was led
And in front of the coffin they forced me to sit
Little Miss Sunshine is dead
Who shot Little Miss Sunshine in the head?


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