Falling asleep

Runoilija Talvikki

Liittynyt: 27.1.2006

Asuinpaikka: -


It is a perfect time
to fall asleep in this moment
to lay head against your chest
feel your lungs
to say sweetest dreams

Because today
I saw an unknown insect
with a head of the Indian
I did not even
by an accident
step over its fragile body

It is a perfect time
to fall asleep in this moment
to lay head against your chest
feel you breathing
to say what it means

Because today
I saw an unknown man
smiling at me
stealing my wallet
which was empty
as it is always

It is a perfect place
to fall asleep in this moment
to lay head against your chest
feel the ups and downs
to say that I am tired

Because today
I saw an unknown face
of empty human
runned by others
it was sailing away
from his own body


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