I found it hard to let this go
There's many reasons behind this line
with others these are here to show
How I'm not gonna watch and step aside.
I'm not gonna watch and let people die.
What's the offer the world can make?
Bomb after another lead after lead
it is, like we want it to be,
We rule this world and things in here,
If that's something you didn't want to hear
Turn around and let love burn
make a difference in this cold cruel world.
Woo-o, woo-o,
We're praising Him tonight
Woo-o, woo-o,
in the name of Jesus Christ
Jesus, Saviour,
He's the truth, the life and the way
Jesus, Saviour,
I want to turn to better way
How do you think that I could watch
This disease around us, within ourselves
Let it all go and turn back to home
When Father's room is full of those who velv
And there's still so much to tell?
Turn around 'n let love burn
make a difference in this cold cruel world.
Please guide us on our way
and lead us back to home
Oh, hear us when we pray:
Don't ever let us go
- Kirjaudu tai rekisteröidy kommentoidaksesi
Kauniita lyriikoita löytyy :) Koskettavia.
Kiitos arvostelusta!
Voi että oli kaunis! Jossei tosta rupee uskovaiseks ni sit ei kyl mistää! :D Voiks teiän bändiä tulla kuuntelee johonki..? Ois kiva kuulla noi ihan musiikin kanssa...
kosketti jotakin syvällä sisimmässä.
ja todellakin, sanoma on todellinen.
kiitos arvostelustasi, ja nuorten veisukirjaahan me kulutettiin :)
ojioijoi miten kiva tää.