It wasn't long ago
when you had a smile on your face
Yet party goes on
For thinking there's no time
Just this one more
One more
For every faked minute
We have a tear to cry
It is like a loot
We want to keep'n hide
You can drink all you got and then thirst again
There's no limits for me that I should ever stay
No more laws but draws all over me
I can't live enough when all that I can make
are the freedom born chains.
I'm hooked, tangled in this route
I'm strong, I will make it through
I.. I'm afraid of all that pain
No! I won't give in the loot
I don't know how to get away
So I pray, so I pray
Call upon me in that troubling day: I will deliver thee
There's no limits for me that I should ever stay
No more laws but draws all over me
I can't live enough when all that I can make
are the freedom born chains.
There's no limits nor law but draws for me
I can't live when freedom chains
Set me free and open my eyes to see
My tears in your eyes.
- Kirjaudu tai rekisteröidy kommentoidaksesi
mä tipun kärryiltä jo sanoituksien alku kohdassa. jos meinaa olla suosittu sanoittaja. kannattaa kirjoittaa semmoisia tekstejä, jotka koskettaa. jokatapauksessa tämä on taitavaa tekstiä valitettavasti liian vaikea selkoista
veeery nice ;D