Runoilija Markus-90

Liittynyt: 10.8.2005

Asuinpaikka: -

Näitä nyt tulee jos on tullakseen. En oo mikään pro pistään tuntemuksiani sanoiks..

rock and roll

we are playing rock and roll
we are playing all the night
we are saying let's come on
'couse we are havin' so much fun

if you don't want to dance with me
you will hear and your eyes can see
your hands are clapping more
rhytm growing step by step
and everybody jumpin' up
the feeling goes on and on
singing rock and roll

we are playing rock and roll
we are playing all the night
we are saying let's come on
'couse we are havin' so much fun

our gig doesn't end all night
but we don't want to see any fight
everybody is getting a place
and singing we want more

we are playing rock and roll
we are playing all the night
we are saying let's come on
'couse we are havin' so much fun

we are playing rock and roll
we are playing all the night
we are saying let's come on
'couse we are havin' so much fun

copyright mirja

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