
Runoilija Robert75

Liittynyt: 3.10.2011

Asuinpaikka: -

Olen ulkopuolinen ja varmaan aika omituinen olento. Luonteeltani olen pelokas ja ahdistunut. Biologiselta sukupuoleltani olen mies, henkiseltä sukupuoleltani sukupuoleton. Ne "runot", mitä minulla on täällä, ovat laulujen sanoituksia. Teen industrial- ja ambient-tyyppistä musiikkia. Sitä voi kuunnella osoitteissa ja

The First Girl in Orion

I'm wandering somewhere in Orion,
Many lightyears from home.
In the midst of the stars,
I've come this far alone.

I'm wandering somewhere in Orion,
different from what I've read.
I don't know how I got here
but I know what I have seen:

Meteor showers fill the sky,
Brown dwarfs are standing in a line,
Runaway stars searching for a new life,
Where do they go? Nobody knows.

I never believed in astronomy,
rocket science is not for me.
I can see things that nobody's seen
because I am here tonight.

And I fly, and I fly,
And I fly past Rigel and Alnilam and Saif.
And I fly, and I fly,
And I fly past GJ 3379.
And I fly, and I fly,
There's no way out of this universal mind.
And I fly through galaxies tonight.

I'm with the stars
and the quasars.
I'm with the stars
and the quasars.

I'm wandering somewhere in Orion,
not sure of what I've seen.
The horsehead is on my left
so I know where I've been.

Orion looks so bright and bold,
Maybe it could become my home.
I like it here but I just wish
that you were here with me tonight.

And I fly, and I fly,
And I fly past Rigel and Alnilam and Saif.
And I fly, and I fly,
And I fly past GJ 3379.
And I fly, and I fly,
There's no way out of this universal mind.
And I'm flying
and the universe flies with me tonight.

Ainitak, Mintaka, Betelgeuze, Bellatrix,







I'm falling out of the galaxy
I'm falling out of the universe
I'm falling out of the galaxy
I'm falling out of the ---

I'm wandering somewhere in Ohio,
Thinking of what I've seen.
Did it really happen?
Or was it just your dream?

Sanoitus psykedeeliseen avaruusvalssiin. Live-äänite tästä kappaleesta on osoitteessa

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