It is Delirious

Runoilija SilverCrescent

Liittynyt: 17.3.2010

Asuinpaikka: -

Jos alussa Sana loi maailman, niin lopussa Runo sen pelastaa. Tai jotain.

Mielestäni runo on hienoimmillaan, kun sillä on kaunis sanoma toiselle ihmiselle. Toisinaan toivoisi, että näitä hetkiä olisi elämässä useammin :)

Ja riimittely on mielestäni ehtymättömän hauskaa puuhastelua!

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When a White Rogue falls for a Black Angel

Strength be with him who's surrounded by despair,
him who believed that the Deities would play fair,
a blameless silly one with intentions sincere
now carrying a burden that will not disappear,
but little there's to fear in this ominous fable,
as for changing what's real one's tears are unable.

Still you wander this path from fallacy to wish,
though a faint one it is, so troublesome to distinguish.
A trail unrevealed hides in vapour and mist,
turns out to be fatal, a serpent's bite in your wrist,
and it sunders your soul, it deceives you to perish,
Alas, merciless is Faith to those who seek relish.

But how to endow your soul with a cure,
a glimpse of elation, fulfilling and pure?
By having no less than a dear one to love,
'tis a glorious bless unmatched from above,
where just a feeling obscure is enough to delight,
seizing with allure, evincing Love's might.
Jotain aivan muuta.

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