last string

Runoilija FallenAngel

Liittynyt: 10.7.2004
Viimeksi paikalla: 8.5.2021 23:21

Asuinpaikka: -

elämässä on ylämäkiä ja alamäkiä mutta jos joskus jää alas niin siitä alemmaksi ei pääse joten kannattaa yrittää päästä ylös tai odottaa että apu tulee...

Happy life is an illusion,
for people who doesnt see,
what world is really like,
all that pain,
all that nightmare,
what we have in the life,
when we get hurt,
one way or another,
sometimes feels like,
life goes too fast,
i just want to stop,
even one good moment,
and sherish it,
but i can´t stop the time.
i can´t stop the pain,
what is hurting my mind,
can´t stop these tears,
even i tried to hide myself.
pain is growing,
and scars in my soul,
there is so many,
so deep,
that finally,
last string of life,
will break down,
then we stand
on the grave yard,
to say last goodbye,
to the lost soul,
to the pain.
the nightmares,
and forget every good thing.
what maybe had.


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