# One Liar

Runoilija ages

Käyttäjän <span class="sydan sydan-punainen"><svg width="10"height="10"viewBox="0 0 1000 1000"xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="M497,203C537,107,630,40,737,40C881,40,985,164,998,311C998,311,1005,347,990,413C969,503,919,583,852,643L497,960L148,643C81,583,31,503,10,413C-5,347,2,311,2,311C15,164,119,40,263,40C370,40,457,107,497,203z"/></svg></span> ages kuva
Liittynyt: 5.6.2004
Viimeksi paikalla: 30.1.2025 17:04

Asuinpaikka: Salla

a mind is like a parachute.
it doesn`t work, if it´s not open.


eeeh, where am I ?
what is this?


my name is mud, pthyi

``I am anger
Under pressure
Lost it cages
A prisoner
The first to escape
I am wicked
I am legion
Strength in numbers
A lie
The number is one``

and still my lil sister
still chained to that lie
that became of us
when we let the heaven die..

one of us stayed watching, above
as one has to be earthbound, like crucified
and one to fall, to  rule the below
a rue to one who died

and so it begins
my precious lil sister, the one of the dawn
had to cut her red wings off
and to dive, dive ,dive untill lucifer was born...

and my older brother stayed in there whats left
leaving me to be the one for earth to blame
with my dark unseen sword by my side
i try, i really try not to unleash my name...

but under my black wings, there remains a little hope
its because my love for my  lil morning star
i had wait for all these years, just to see
to witness her rising again from a deep,from a far..

and believe me, shes the unexpected reason for your still existing thread of breath
for my name is 
and my business is






Käyttäjän kaikki runot

Runoilija Runon nimi LuontipäiväLajittele nousevasti Kommentteja Kategoria
ages Madre Dio`s ii 2.3.2018 0 Runo
ages Uho! 1.3.2018 2 Runo
ages outsider 1.3.2018 1 Runo
ages Madre Dio`s 23.2.2018 1 Runo
ages mitämäsanoin?? 22.2.2018 1 Runo
ages Kuka sinä oikeasti Olet ? 15.2.2018 5 Runo
ages Sanat 13.2.2018 3 Runo
ages Kald Wootah 13.2.2018 3 Runo
ages Tyhjä... 12.2.2018 5 Runo
ages Starman... 8.2.2018 1 Runo
ages Riisipuuro.. 8.2.2018 3 Runo
ages Testimielessä : väkivaltaa ja pakottamista.. 7.2.2018 1 Runo
ages jokaisella meistä on.. 2.2.2018 3 Runo
ages "me too", to me 2.2.2018 1 Runo
ages The Loop 30.1.2018 1 Runo
ages Merkkari 30.1.2018 2 Runo
ages Epäonnistumisentunne... 25.1.2018 3 Runo
ages Gallipoli 23.1.2018 1 Runo
ages (m)örkki 23.1.2018 2 Runo
ages peilipallo 23.1.2018 2 Runo
ages Natural Number One 18.1.2018 1 Runo
ages Yhtään Enemmän En... 18.1.2018 4 Runo
ages Hedonismi 15.1.2018 1 Runo
ages Miten isoja hamstereita on kanadassa? 15.1.2018 3 Runo
ages Down down down we go.. 10.1.2018 3 Runo
ages Pills in progress 9.1.2018 1 Runo
ages Fucked up! 5.1.2018 4 Runo
ages sydänten leikki.. 4.1.2018 4 Runo
ages Beware... 4.1.2018 3 Runo
ages Tie 2.1.2018 2 Runo
ages Voida-verbin konditionaalin illatiivin imperatiivi.. 29.12.2017 4 Runo
ages Kylmä Pimeä Paikka 28.12.2017 4 Runo
ages yulenacht... 25.12.2017 2 Runo
ages what`s the alternative? 22.12.2017 2 Runo
ages 3sum 19.12.2017 2 Runo
ages Hirviö Hartioilla 19.12.2017 3 Runo
ages Kalenteri 18.12.2017 1 Runo
ages Kolme päivää Kädettä... 18.12.2017 1 Runo
ages Pertti 15.12.2017 4 Runo
ages Iholle Piirretty Viiva.. 15.12.2017 3 Runo
ages Dortmund 14.12.2017 5 Runo
ages you aint seen me, roight? 14.12.2017 10 Runo
ages Found a way home... 13.12.2017 2 Runo
ages Imagine... 12.12.2017 2 Runo
ages Logiikkaa... 12.12.2017 3 Runo
ages Blonde Weather.. 12.12.2017 2 Runo
ages The Ghost In The Machine 11.12.2017 4 Runo
ages Puuttuu runon nimi, Puuttuu siis kaikki... 10.12.2017 12 Runo
ages yhtään en ! 10.12.2017 2 Runo
ages The Reason I´m Still Alive... 10.12.2017 4 Runo
