" my name is bond, war-bond"

Runoilija ages

Käyttäjän <span class="sydan sydan-punainen"><svg width="10"height="10"viewBox="0 0 1000 1000"xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="M497,203C537,107,630,40,737,40C881,40,985,164,998,311C998,311,1005,347,990,413C969,503,919,583,852,643L497,960L148,643C81,583,31,503,10,413C-5,347,2,311,2,311C15,164,119,40,263,40C370,40,457,107,497,203z"/></svg></span> ages kuva
Liittynyt: 5.6.2004
Viimeksi paikalla: 30.1.2025 17:04

Asuinpaikka: Salla

a mind is like a parachute.
it doesn`t work, if it´s not open.


eeeh, where am I ?
what is this?


my name is mud, pthyi

i miss the time we use the swords
to kill eachother
it kinda left a feeling
to regret what weve done

nowadays we push the button
and hundred of miles away
someone dies
we dont even notice

i miss the time it was just armies
steel to steel, in the morning light
sure it hurts to be decapitated
but it was just you, not the civilians

if i could choose, if i could make the rules
there would be a plain, wide enough
to all the rulers of the world and their minions
and they could fight! they could fight all their lives!

armed with swords and knives, and their fists and knees
they can solve their problems with blood and steel
if that would ever happen
human race had solved the biggest problem..


Dont forget, it`s never stayed
on battlefields, they also slayed
the civilians,stuck them on poles,
and hung and raped and burned their homes

The armies marched, and as they went
they stole their crops, and slaughtered livestock
and heads on poles was message sent,
their pride of cruelty, prancing of peacock.

And soldiers, not all of them were asked
 poor mans children were just taken
and very few of them would last
for very long,they`d be forsaken

It was not just the fear of sword
or spear or arrow,die or be crippled,
The Death could also play the chord
of plague or tyfoid, to be infected.

Dont kidd yourself, it wasnt noble
I don`t think war was ever fair,
I don`t think men were ever able
of being human,or even care.

Not in  war.

purty sure of that
but the last chapter was worth of all that crap..




Käyttäjän kaikki runot

Runoilija Runon nimi LuontipäiväLajittele nousevasti Kommentteja Kategoria
ages Mitä sanoinkin.. 6.6.2015 0 Runo
ages Pelko ? 2.6.2015 0 Runo
ages Ystävyydestä 29.5.2015 3 Runo
ages rallienglanti,korkeajännityssaksa ja pakkoruotsi igen 27.5.2015 0 Runo
ages Ajan Nopea Juoksu 25.5.2015 0 Runo
ages yleisön pyynnöstä 25.5.2015 4 Runo
ages Paradoksi 24.5.2015 2 Runo
ages Pelko 15.5.2015 2 Runo
ages Aamu 15.5.2015 2 Runo
ages slovakialainen litra 15.5.2015 1 Runo
ages wind blows the mountains away 15.5.2015 2 Runo
ages Säästäkö? 14.5.2015 3 Runo
ages luovuuden anatomia 14.5.2015 0 Runo
ages holes 12.5.2015 1 Runo
ages alku ja loppu 12.5.2015 3 Runo
ages Kiroten huomiseen... 10.5.2015 3 Runo
ages kommentti# 10.5.2015 2 Runo
ages Unien Meri 8.5.2015 0 Runo
ages Forget to Forgive 8.5.2015 1 Runo
ages Usva 8.5.2015 3 Runo
ages The Raven 8.5.2015 1 Runo
ages voisiko olla..? 6.5.2015 0 Runo
ages tahtojen taistelu 6.5.2015 0 Runo
ages odotan yötä 3.5.2015 2 Runo
ages of sickness and disease.. 3.5.2015 1 Runo
ages Jos vuori ei... 30.4.2015 3 Runo
ages Kivi numero neljä (4 olomuotoa).. 30.4.2015 1 Runo
ages ensimmäinen kivi 30.4.2015 2 Runo
ages Palava pensas... 30.4.2015 2 Runo
ages Kahden suhde yhteen.. 29.4.2015 2 Runo
ages Pessimistin päiväuni? 29.4.2015 3 Runo
ages nothing 29.4.2015 1 Runo
ages kun mitään ei saada aikaiseksi.. 29.4.2015 3 Runo
ages Maan Järinää.. 29.4.2015 0 Runo
ages Liikkumatta! 26.4.2015 3 Runo
ages Kippurahäntä 26.4.2015 3 Runo
ages pimeää 26.4.2015 4 Runo
ages riittääkö? 26.4.2015 2 Runo
ages (kommentti# )Sahalaidat.. 26.4.2015 2 Runo
ages Tuhkat.. 26.4.2015 1 Runo
ages Koska käskit.. 26.4.2015 1 Runo
ages maksullinenko paras? 24.4.2015 3 Runo
ages Palat! 24.4.2015 0 Runo
ages Friends 23.4.2015 2 Runo
ages ValeasuisetVainukoirat 23.4.2015 2 Runo
ages Forever Rain.. 23.4.2015 2 Runo
ages Mutta 23.4.2015 3 Runo
ages Särkyvää... 23.4.2015 1 Runo
ages Gravitaatioromahdus.. 22.4.2015 3 Runo
ages Jarrut 21.4.2015 3 Runo
