He was bored and ready to fall

Runoilija Karviainen

Liittynyt: 21.7.2022
Viimeksi paikalla: 28.4.2024 7:23

Asuinpaikka: -

He was bored and ready to fall
when she came along, and all
seemed as if it was meant to be.
He was locked, she had the key.
He thought that she was soft, demure,
delicate, fragile, oh so pure
- alas, he conjured up a she
that he so badly needed to be
existing, readily there for him
(the actual she was no such thing).
He built for them this movie in
which he was to be the king
and she would be the lovely queen
(the kind of queen to fit his dream)
- how beautiful it would have been.
So when he got both less and more
than what he originally bargained for
he first could not believe his eyes
that plainly told: She’s not that nice.
Still he tried to make it work,
fit his dream image on the actual girl,
but she rebelled and got him hurt.
How did it fail? he tried to find.
Perhaps the thing was: In his mind
he had assumed that she was kind.

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