I still sit on the place
Where we used to meet and stay
Breeze blows and I can see
Your picture gone with the wind
Just a while ago
We were together in this world
Just a moment ago
I was searching the right words
How was I gonna tell you
That I’m not moving
I’m not changing
I’m not playing with you
So here I am
All I am
I’m not gonna move
So someday if you wake up and feel
Like the hollow cage in me
Maybe you’ll run to see me
That day I ‘m sitting here like a fool
And you see what I do
I’m not gonna move
When heart breaks down it won’t break even
The moment is found with every hidden feeling
What else I’m supposed to do
Best part of me went away with you
It’s not that I won’t survive
With you just felt more alive
I’m not moving…
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