(where did i come from?)

Runoilija Haarukka

Liittynyt: 4.11.2003

Asuinpaikka: -

Y Master of Cutlery

since 2002

Siis ruokailuväline on hän, tosiaan, joo.

say something
and i-don't-want-you-to-say-anything
where have we been
and why are we here now and not yesterday

i knew you were always here
i knew you were always here
but where did i come from?
how did i get here?

please don't breathe
'cos i know you're alive and i know you are
my existence
is not something i can feel but you can

i knew you were always here
i knew you were always here
but where did i come from?
how did i get here?
i knew it was your name
i knew it was your name
but where did i get my name
who let me be this one?

i've always been wrong i've always been swirling
i'm still wrong but why don't i move now?
who's interfering with my ability to
and who is it?

i knew you were always here
i knew you were always here
but where did i come from?
how did i get here?
where am i now?
how did i become what i am

whose fault was it?


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