It Kills Me

Runoilija Unknownbit

Liittynyt: 10.1.2012

Asuinpaikka: -

Runonpätkää ilmenee aina sillon tällöin ja voisin ne jakaa sitten koko maailmalle.
Oma kohtaisista kokemuksista ja tunteista koostuu meikäläisen sanavarastot.

Watching you smile, with her, not me.
It's stone in my heart, I know I'm not free.

Left for me is pain and anger, Saddness too.
You dropped me from the cliff, where I was holding you.

You said, it's real, and then you lied,
for you I was a doll, notice, and I died.

I can't get over this, you broke my glass heart.
It was already broken, in pieces...
You just told me bluntly, "I think here we part."
The dark force in me releases...

You toss it on the ground, smiled and walked away.
Drowning in tears and blood, you killed my little Dove
I don't think there's nothing more for me to say..
The only thing I cherished, was the drug of Love.


"Doves, usually white in color, are used in a variety of settings as symbols of love, peace or as messengers"

[Tuesday, December 20, 2011] Sanat vaan levisi mun päähän kun näin kuvan ex-poikaystävästäni tämän uuden tyttöystävänsä kanssa. Ja voi kuinka se Jätkä mua satuttikaan.

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