You caught my eye when I first saw you
You peeked my interest when I got to know you
I kept my motions in check cause that's what I do
I told myself it's no biggie crushes come and go
It took years to not fantasize about you
It is all suppressed now and we're friends
We talked one day and I told you what I felt back then
We laughed and letted the past be
The next day something so tiny happened
Our hands grazed and everything changed
You took my hand and held it and I caved
Been yearning for that touch for so long
We're both spoken for
It's wrong but so right
I'm in love with another of that I'm sure
But I'm thinking of you all the time now
The crushing feeling in my chest gives it away it's for real
My head races to rationalize this but it can't
Will the years suppress these feelings too I wonder
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