The world goes on as before, it knows not
how heavy memories are to carry
Or the things that will never come to be
How you were lost after all that life brought,
running from it madly, a beauty fraught
with too much bear, so you'd rather flee
And your life, you ended it so sadly
when you crossed that last threshold, and for what?
The memories won't ease their painful grip,
with you, what killed you was your hard-fought past
I see your eyes in the vast skies of blue,
and always hear the crack of Death's harsh whip
When I fade in the dark and breathe my last
perhaps I will finally embrace you
how heavy memories are to carry
Or the things that will never come to be
How you were lost after all that life brought,
running from it madly, a beauty fraught
with too much bear, so you'd rather flee
And your life, you ended it so sadly
when you crossed that last threshold, and for what?
The memories won't ease their painful grip,
with you, what killed you was your hard-fought past
I see your eyes in the vast skies of blue,
and always hear the crack of Death's harsh whip
When I fade in the dark and breathe my last
perhaps I will finally embrace you
Harvemmin täällä saa englanninkielisiin teksteihin kommenttia. Tai no, vielä harvemmin kuin suomenkielisiini.
Kirjoitettu Marian muistolle, hän teki itsemurhan 20-vuotiaana. Englanninkielinen sonetti, sillä englanti oli yhteinen kieli. Sopivasti aloin hitaasti toipua Mariasta kun paras ystäväni teki itsemurhan viime vuodenvaihteessa.
Maria S. 28.3.1992-2.12.2012
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