The day I first saw you, you were such a sight to see.
I was certain that you were the one for me.
"That is life", they say, nothing ever goes your way.
When will my life begin, this clearly isn't yet that day.
You never loved me, you never really even cared.
All is lost now, all the things we had and shared
You really fooled me, you showed me my darkest fears.
Here I lie on the ground, crying in the rain of tears.
You haunt me in my dreams, you poison everything and more.
Even in my sleep, you have to make me feel so sore.
Why did I meet you? What did I ever do so wrong?
This pain will surely kill me and I hope it won't take too long.
You never loved me, you never really even cared.
All is lost now, all the things we had and shared.
You really hurt me, you never told me of your fears.
You just left me, crying in this rain of tears.
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